Anneliese talks natural health matters with Patricia Messenger on Cork 103FM February 28th.

All products can be ordered over the phone and posted out.

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  1. Early Menopause: Natural HRT with plant isoflavones. Customer favourites are NutriAdvanced PeriMeno, NHP MenoHerbal. Vitamin B6 high dose is excellent for associated low mood and anxiety. Gingko biloba, fish oils and bacopa for memory. Calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D3 and K2 for healthy bones.
  2. Burping and Flatulence: Burping may be insufficient gastric acid – try a digestive enzyme with some Betaine HCl in it – NOT suitable if you have an ulcer. Could also be an overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori – needs to be treated with antibiotics. Activated charcoal is great for excessive flatulence – take with every meal. Peppermint, fennel are great herbs for bloating, indigestion and flatulence – take in a capsule or a tea.
  3. Thyroid auto-antibodies: Balance immune function with high strength fish oils – we love Unocardio. Also natural anti-inflammatories like curcumin and boswellia – try NutriAdvanced Curcudyn Forte. Consider a gluten free diet. Take a Vitamin D3 and resolve any IBS.
  4. Heavy painful periods: Agnus Castus is excellent for hormone balancing. Take Onega 3 fish oils – will thin the blood and reduce pain, and also act as anti-inflammatories. Support hormone clearance through the liver with DIM, dandelion, burdock and sulphur. Ensure daily bowel movement for hormone elimination – probiotics and psyllium husk.
  5. Kids with sniffles: Support their immune system to ensure they can fight new bugs. Bionutri Elderberry Complex is a firm customer favourite. Dr. Clare Kinderkind is great for sniffles and colds and suitable for small babies too.
  6. Polymyalgia and elevated white blood cells: Reduce inflammation with natural anti-inflammatories – Curcudyn Forte, Magnesium malate for sore muscles, Source of Life Gold for energy, Syntifica P4-Max as a powerful anti-oxidant.