Anneliese talks natural health matters with Patricia Messenger on Cork 103FM January 10th

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  1. Immune Support: Vitamin D is a must, Vitamin A, C, zinc and selenium are also very important for a strong immune response. We love BioNutri Elderberry Complex, Natures Plus Immune Support and Immune Boost, and Dr. Clare Mucotone for coughs and colds.
  2. Post Viral Fatigue: For fatigue, our post COVID customers are finding Revive Active a help, and as always, Source of Life Gold tonic. Try N-Acetyl Cysteine for chestiness and as a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. A staff favourite – Olive Leaf Extract, as a powerful anti-viral and immune booster.
  3. Mushrooms for Immune System: Used by the Chinese for over 2,000, mushrooms pack a powerful immune and anti-cancer punch. For immune try Coriolus, reishi and agaricus.
  4. Heart Health: To prevent plaque build-up and blockage, follow the Mediterranean Diet. Supplements that will help are: Vitamin D3 and K2, high strength omega 3 oils.
  5. Styes in the eye: Prevention is key – try Viridian Bilberry and Eyebright, Terranova Bilberry and Lutein. Colloidal silver sprayed on a stye can heal quicker.
  6. Cold Sores: For prevention take 1000mg L-Lysine a day. If you feel a cold sore coming, take L-Lysine 1000mg up to 6 times a day. Biopropolis cream – top choice for speeding healing and taking the pain out of cold sores.
  7. Sleep: Valerian is the herb that often works best to stop the busy brain and give a good night’s sleep. Try Peace and Calm, or Vogel Dormeasan. NHP Sleep support is a top seller – we always get great feedback for this. CBD oil can also help especially if there is also anxiety.